Happy New Year!
We went to the range this morning to exercise our 2nd Amendment rights. I bought a Ruger .22 target pistol or actually Phillips Property Inspections gave it out to their employee as an end of year gift. I love being the boss and employee. Mindy agreed to go with me and appeared to actually enjoy herself. We did target shooting and then found some items in my truck- coke cans, ping pong ball, clay targets, and took turns "making it jump!" (when you shoot something and it jumps into the air). I have a .22 rifle with a scope which Mindy says, "is easy- all you do is line up the crosshairs and shoot". Damn right. She fired two rounds with my 9mm but it has a substantial kick v. the .22 and put it right down.
Mindy and I went to a friends yesterday evening for a party and we're at home by 9 pm. Watched a movie through our new bluray player that is a network device and streamed it instantly from Netflix. Awesome.... Struggled to stay up until midnight, which we only knew had come by the rush of fireworks we heard and then checked the Dick Clark to see we had actually missed the count down. Oh well, there's always next year.
Looking forward to a great 2010!
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