Thursday, December 4, 2008

Thanksgiving in Seattle

Mindy and I returned this week from time in Seattle, after spending Thankgiving with my brother and his wife. We don't do the Martha Stewart Thanksgiving thing. This year it was Italian pot roast with anti-pasta and home made bread sticks. Yum. Good times were had all around, highlights include drunken karaoke at the infamous Rickshaw, daily intake of Maker's Mark, Joel McHale of The Soup stand up show, a ferry ride in the fog (so beautiful), grilled meat, and lots of Dicks. When we go to Seattle, its a non-stop Dicks affair. Questions like, "how many Dicks can you eat at one time?" and "its is wrong to put two Dicks in your mouth at the same time?". And the always pleasing, "Honey how were the Dicks you just had." and shouting at the top of your lungs, "I love Dicks!!!!".

Back to sunny, but cold Austin. Some work this week and some lined up for next week as well- there may be a christmas after all! I am having a dumpster delivered tomorrow and the Bobcat comes as well. We are starting in on our huge backyard renovation project. So its good to have some slow time right now to get as much work done as possible before business/housing market picks back up. It will pick back up right? Well with all the "Big 3" Ceo's now driving hybrid cars on their business trips and only taking $1 a year salaries, all our economic worries should be over, right? How ridiculous. Talk about some Dicks....

editor's note: