Is the name of a music project that I am involved with these days. Justin Marler is a friend and co-Home Inspector and has been in a few bands over the years. He had written a bunch of songs that he wanted to record and asked if I'd be interested in taking part. Hell yes! I answered and went out and bought a bass guitar. I've been playing guitar almost everyday for 22 years, so the bass wasn't that much of a stretch. "I'm more Adam Clayton, than Les Claypool" I told everyone as not to get their hopes up too high about a bunch of notes or bass slaps. We got together a couple of times to go over the songs, Justin found a drummer, we had three practice sessions and hit the studio. Last Thursday and Friday we recorded at Jim Eno's studio, Public Hi-Fi, here in Austin. Such greats as Spoon, Black Joe Lewis, Okkervil River, Ben Kweller and yes- Justin Timberlake have recorded there. It is a top notch, "top notch!" studio. It was a hella good time.
A friend of Justin's is coming to town to play some guitar parts and then the whole thing will get mixed down. But just from the rough mixes it sounds really good. A super well-done job to Brad Bell who did the engineering and humored my jokes for two days. Not sure what Justin has planned for the songs once they are finished, but there's talk of shows, more practicing (practice? are we talking about practice? practice? not the shows.. but practice?) and hopefully more recording. It was great to get back to doing what had occupied almost every Friday night back in Denver at the Reardon basement. More to come soon...
Can't wait to hear it!
has this leaked to the internet yet? i promise i'll buy a t-shirt...
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