So i got myself into a tiff with a You Tuber. I typically don't put much out there in a truly global environment like You Tube, but this jackass really pissed me off...
jtorres133 (1 month ago) 0 Reply | Spam
I like MIke Doty alot always have. Miss Soul Coughing. They broke up when I was still in highschool I think '98??... Or maybe after that. I saw them live back when I was in Highschool. They did the song Soft Serve from their Irresistable Bliss. Probably one of the best live songs I've ever heard.
I think he signed on with Dave Mathews. That's a shame.
scottlawtonp1 (1 day ago) 0 Reply | Remove
do you mean ATO records? why the hell does it matter who puts his records out? apparently your too cool to respect dave matthews and i don't like his music either but there are plenty of great artists on ATO. its not a "shame" that he signed with ATO, its a business. more people will have the chance to hear his music and mike will probably end up making more money and have the chance to put out more music. that's is what you like right? the music? right?
jtorres133 (15 hours ago) 0 Reply | Spam
Easy there killa...I'm not too cool for anything...No doubt Im all for the music...obviously you're a little more informed than I am so thank you for enlightening me...I only heard part of the story ...and all I remember was hearing Mike Doty and Dave Mathews in the same sentence and it made me cringe. My comments and more or less inquiries not to be taken so seriously just with a grain of salt.
jtorres133 (15 hours ago) 0 Reply | Spam
I don't know the whole logistics of record deals and who's on what labels anyways. I'm glad to hear his music will reach more people tho...rightfully so the guy is good, real good...Oh and sorry for spelling his name wrong Doughty I have a friend named Doty who spells it like that...Doty...Peace out
killa? peace out? jesus... I decided to not repost based on the fact that jtorres133 has no idea what she (i presume) is talking about. nor can she spell the guys name right or take the time do 27 seconds of research on the www. to make an informed comment.
Now I'm angry! Who says jtorres is a she?
jk, I don't really care.
the you tube song was 27 jennifers ("j"torres133) and you can kinda tell from the language of the email, no?
I don't know. I don't understand anything these children say. :-)
BTW, found some high school pics today - you getting your hair cut before Homecoming, i think. I guess I went with you to get your hair cut? Which is kinda strange.
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