So this is what I want for Christmas this year. It looks like what the police in Germany carry around the airport. For those who haven't traveled outside the U.S., law enforcement in Europe has been carrying machine guns for decades. You see it now in the U.S. after 911, but the German made ones are much cooler. This H&k USC is a semi-auto rifle, so there's not much difference between this and a deer rifle of the same caliber. It just looks like something out of a Mission Impossible movie.
Ced and I went to a gun show here in Austin on Sunday. Quite an experience if you've never been. Lots of guns and knives (ninja outfits and throwing stars available!) and a ton of other crap. Beads, kettle corn, books, army/navy surplus, etc. Interesting mix of people as well, almost like the better to do cousins of the traveling carnivals. I did end up making a purchase, at a discount from my local gun store. Here's how simple it is to buy a gun.
1. Pick one out you like.
2. Fill out form a Federal form that ask questions like are you mentally stable, currently stalking someone, or a felon?
3. Salesman calls in the form to the FBI and they enter it in to a computer and accept or deny the application.
That's it. 10 minutes and I was out the door. Next up is a series of training classes and an all day CHL class in September and probably a range card at the local range for lots of practice. I've been thinking about joining the Army reserves where maybe I could use a rocket launcher, or a 50 cal. machine mounted on top of a tank, or repel out of a helicopter into a hostile enviroment. That sounds thrilling. Mindy is not thrilled and thinks that is a bad idea. She's probably right.
Ohhh...I do love shooting guns. Can't wait for our next visit!
I hardly even know you anymore. . . .
So, seriously, what did you buy? Photos please.
I guess someone special is getting a gun rack for their Maxima this Christmas...
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