spent the yesterday afternoon at SXSW with good friend paul custer and crew. saw LIONS (a bar band probably from new jeresy or PA), TABACOO (house music with videos on a screen "do you want to see ET get fucked?"), Frightened Rabbit (Scotlands Okkerville River), Jason Collet (from Broken Social Scene), had way many drinks and waited some 5 hours to see LES SAVY FAV. i knew who they were but had never seen them or heard their music. I expected a chaotic scene ala JESUS LIZARD and got want i wanted. for some reason i thought it would be a good idea to rush the stage when the lead singer jumped into the audience and was trapped there for the entire show. i couldn't hear anything clearly but the crowd was in frenzy, and overall it was fun. i didn't have a wrist band so i paid $15 at the door and was the last non-badge person to get in. excellent. and apparently LSF doesn't tour much and this was the not-to-miss show of the festival. boo-yea.