today i volunteered for the Austin Police Department during the new cadet class training program. i was paired with two off duty officers and we had a mock crash set up at an intersection in an east austin neighborhood. six groups of cadets came through our scenario and we tried to make it as real as possible for them to learn what to do. i learned that the cadets are roughly half way through their training and this is the first day of real world practicals.
it was very interesting to see how they reacted (with no prior knowledge of the crash scenario) and how some were completely lost, one even said "shit!" over the radio and how some were right at ease dealing with the public in this everyday encounter. since it was the first day, they wanted us to take it easy on 'em. but every time the cadets came up to our crash site, i wanted to take off running just to see what they would do. the officer evaluating them welcomed by enthumasim, but said that situation is reserved for the last two days of this week once the cadets have had time to adjust being on the spot. damn it! of course i am booked up already, but there's always next time.
even though is was cold and misty all day, it was very interesting and i plan to volunteer again as soon as i can.