So I couldn't stop... This time left to right from the top.
1989?- hollyfaith at Marist High School. I'm pretty sure Brant Rackley is the only person I know that had a hollyfaith t-shirt. It was probably mine until he took it.
4/29/97- Pavement at First Ave Minneapolis, MN. I was traveling around with the show producer gig in Greenville, SC and went to Minneapolis two days early to see this show. One many many solo shows in a foreign town. The Apples in Stereo opened and Pavement was great! First Ave is the 40 Watt of Minneapolis.
5/4/96- GBV in Portland, OR. I was living there at this point, but only lasted another 5 months. Call me crazy but I like the sun and its warming rays. A little known band from Austin, TX on their first west coast tour opened, I had never heard of Spoon. I stalked Stephen Malkmus all night, but he was too stoned to notice.
12/1/92- Smashing Pumpkins at the Point. The stub says $5.00 but I'm pretty sure I paid $50 from a scalper. They were in Atlanta recording Siamese Dream and this was a practice show full of new songs. They blew the place away. The Point used to hold roughly 200 people. Just awesome.
4/22/94-ish?- Mike Watt at the 40 Watt. I can honestly say this was the best show I have ever seen. Bull-hog or Tugboat is an amazing record full of guest appearances from the likes of Sonic Youth, Dinasour Jr, Frank Blank, Evan Dando, etc. all playing Watt's songs, he on bass and vocals. Check it out. Watt's band for the night was Dave Grohl on drums, Eddie Vedder on guitar, and on Watt bass. Super-fucking amazing. Who's this Foo Fighter's you might ask? The first FF record had not even come out yet! Hoovercraft was a instrumental group consisting on Eddie Veddar, his wife, and some other guy. Kinda noisy but cool to see Eddie Vedder. Mike Mills of R.E.M. stood right behind me the entire night. He was in this phase of wearing these sequenced suit outfits, ala Elvis & David Bryne.
6/2/97- Ben Folds Five at Bogart's Cinncianti, OH. This was another trip paid for by the marketing company. I was kinda out of my mind during this phase of my life and my actions this night proved it. I ended up with the reps from Baldwin pianos, what Ben plays, they fed me beers all night after realizing I was a superfan and alone and took a crazy cab ride through the projects on the way back to my hotel. I'll leave it at that.
2/14/97- Pavement at the Point on my birthday!! I hope I wasn't driving that night. Have no idea of the details of this show. Next.
7/28/98?- Pavement at the Cat's Cradle Chapel Hill, NC. They were recording Terror Twilight at Mitch Easter's Drive-In studio and played this show as practice. And I remeber it being just that, a practice. Very loose and trying new songs, stopping and starting, Still a classic.
9/25/92- U2 at the Georgia Dome. I was working at Turtle's Records when these tickets went on sale. This was back in the day of lining up outside the store in the wee hours of the morning with some Dunkin Doughnuts and waiting to rush the ticket counter. I was working the sale that morning and as soon as the computers came on line, the manager printed out 10 tickets and stuffed them into the drawer ,and then after wards divided them up. I took Todd Gallardo and we sat in the 12th row. This was a tour with cars attached to cranes and the phone call to the president's office. I had been a U2 fan for a long time and this was the first spectacle type show I had been to. Man those guys have made some money.
7/25/90- The Bob mould Band at the Georgia Theater Athens, Ga. This was within the first 2-3 weeks of moving to the dorm for the start of a college career. Looking back I should have probably been studying, but hey its Bob Mould! and I'm in college damn it!
12/29/88- 1988 what the hell am I doing out on a Thursday night? I don't have the stub I was looking for but previous to this night, John Sabol and I had sat on the floor of the Cotton Club (gross) and seen the Indigo Girls for the first time. I can remember thinking, "man there are a lot of chick here". Hey we were from Roswell, GA, never seen a lesbian before.
Well congratulations if you've stayed with me on this Rock'N'Roll of yester-year trip. The memories are all good. No arrests and no crashed cars took place during the living of these days. I'd say I was lucky. I'm curious to get feed back from anyone who was in attendance at these shows. Or hear of your concert past.
Keep on Rocking.